
Homeopathy is the Most Scientific Form of Medicine
Can homeopathy be considered scientific? Is it more or less scientific than standard medicine?
How does homeopathy work?
Having established that Wikipedia is intentionally misleading on the subject, what actually is homeopathy?

Remedies for Food Poisoning
Homeopathy comes through when it’s used correctly and, when we get it wrong, helps us find something better.
The Founding of Homeopathy
The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles. – Aphorism 2, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of Medicine, 6th ed., Kunzli et al, trans. There isn’t much to object to in this second […]
Symptoms tell us the Remedy
Let’s now skip over Hahnemann’s next provocative statement of medical generality to answer the question left open by the last post. Hahnemann says we shouldn’t theorize as to the complex internal mechanisms of the body or use our incomplete biochemical knowledge to treat people. So, where should we go to understand someone’s illness? If not […]